Friday, April 24, 2009

Field Trip

Here are some pictures of the field trip we went on with Hannah's class to the discovery center in Murfreesboro. Here we are looking for tadpoles.
And we found one..notice Hannah is not getting too close to the net.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just some old pictures

For the last few weeks I have been busy getting all my pictures organized and put on disk. Boy has that been a task. Anyway some of my family were unable to attend our wedding and were asking me to post some pics so here they are. Just a few cause most are in albums and I'm not done scanning them yet. FYI we just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on the 12th.... but we have been together for 11 years now. Hardly seems like it has been that long. I actually just got these pictures back not to long ago. I didn't even order them for a few years after we got married...guess its a good thing I trusted the lady who took them.
Our beautiful wedding party...from left to right is Betsy (Roberts niece) Kim, Niki Work, Niki Parker Adcox, Marilyn Roberts, Tanya Jones, me and Robert, Jeremy Motley, Shane Flaherty, my cousin Keith, Jonathan Work, and Allen Cantrel and in the front Trenton, jordan, Will and Andrew... WOW these kiddos were really small they are so much bigger now.
And here I am pregnant with Mallory... I was really pudgy. This was the day I went to the hospital to have her.

And here is Hannah meeting her little sister for the first time. This is my favorite picture of all time.. she just couldn't believe that her little sister was finally here.

And just a little remembering.. Me and Tanya were just talking the night we went out about this cruise that we went on years ago with our husbands. Then I opened a box the other day of pictures and there they were.

This was us at work right before I got married not sure what we were up to... but it was usually no good.
I have had a lot of fun going through these old pictures. I feel like my life has flashed before my eyes the last couple of weeks. There have been tears and lots of laughs. There are lots more to come in the future as I go through them I will post some of my favorites for all my old friends to see. Oh and Joey I am gonna post pics of mine and Hannah's trip up north when I find them.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Here are the pictures of the girls for Easter. We went to the mall at opry Mills for the pictures with the Easter bunny.

The bunny was really nice and kept Mallory busy while I paid for our pictures.

Here are the girls coloring eggs!

And of course Mallory had to try to eat the egg before she colored it...then acted like she didn't do anything when I screamed for her to not eat it.

We had a really good Easter with the girls. My sister in law and her family came over and we ate lunch and hunted eggs. The funny thing about our plastic eggs is that they are about 10 years old. They are the eggs we used when our nieces and nephews were younger and we had egg hunts with them at my Mother in Laws house. It was kinda sad that she was not here to watch the girls this year because she always loved this time of year. I can remember this time last year when her and Hannah were outside picking "mopperglows" (that's what Hannah calls dandelions). We really miss her a lot and it amazes me how much the girls miss her even though they are so young they remember her as if she were alive yesterday. It makes me sad for them.
On a lighter note I have decided that Hannah is probably ready to go to kindergarten and really acts like she wants to go... so we are going to send her. I am also going to be sending Mallory to the christian school here in town 2 days a week to get her out of the house. She really needs to work off some of her energy and I think it will be good for her to spend time with other kids her age... so wish me luck with sending my baby to kindergarten...its hard for me to believe that she is almost 5 already. Everyone always says that babies grow up fast but I could have never imagined it would go this fast. It seems just like yesterday I was holding her in the hospital and I can remember every moment.
We are headed to the beach in July. We are going to be staying in Fort Walton so if you have any ideas on some fun things for us to do or good places to eat please let me know... I havent done as much research for this vacation so I need all the help I can get.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Not so funny at first but now funny!

Well we have an artist in our family and I bet you could never guess which one...Mallory. I was spending my Sunday afternoon after church with my mom and Hannah shopping while Robert was "Watching" Mallory. She somehow got upstairs into my scrapbook room and got a sharpie marker...While she also took all my paper out and spread it all over the floor and threw a couple other things out of place. (this is how I know where she got the marker). She went downstairs to the toy room and just started drawing all over every inch of the toy room. All the while my dear husband was sitting on the couch and (you can see into the toy room from the couch) he never saw what she was doing. It had to take her some time because she was very meticulous about it. Here are just a few pictures he tried to clean some of it up before I got home. I now have 2 places on my carpet that are colored on and several toys that are ruined but I was able to get it off of some things.

Me and my friend Tanya and our husbands went out to dinner while my friend Jessica kept the girls. Here are some pictures from their fun night without parents. They said they had a slumber party.

Here is Olivia after she realized the horse sitting beside the toy box she had been digging into for a few minutes..It was hilarious when she turned around and saw the horse she trembled then smacked it.

Here they are in Mallory's big girls bed!


Playing dress up

Here is what they called a slumber party. Check out Olivia's pigtails!

Eating popcorn.

Here are daddy's dancing with their babies I wish I had gotten a better picture but I didn't have my camera on when they started. Here they are playing bumper cars. We had a great time hanging out and watching the kiddos play...they got along so good. Cant wait to do it again.