For the last few weeks I have been busy getting all my pictures organized and put on disk. Boy has that been a task. Anyway some of my family were unable to attend our wedding and were asking me to post some pics so here they are. Just a few cause most are in albums and
I'm not done scanning them yet. FYI we just celebrated our 6t
h wedding anniversary on the 12
th.... but we have been together for 11 years now. Hardly seems like it has been that long. I actually just got these pictures back not to long ago. I
didn't even order them for a few years after we got married...guess its a good thing I trusted the lady who took them.
Our beautiful wedding party...from left to right is Betsy (Roberts niece) Kim, Niki Work, Niki Parker
Adcox, Marilyn Roberts, Tanya Jones, me and Robert, Jeremy Motley, Shane
Flaherty, my cousin Keith, Jonathan Work, and Allen
Cantrel and in the front Trenton,
jordan, Will and Andrew... WOW these kiddos were really small they are so much bigger now.
And here I am pregnant with Mallory... I was really pudgy. This was the day I went to the hospital to have her.
And here is Hannah meeting her little sister for the first time. This is my favorite picture of all time.. she just
couldn't believe that her little sister was finally here.
And just a little remembering.. Me and Tanya were just talking the night we went out about this cruise that we went on years ago with our husbands. Then I opened a box the other day of pictures and there they were.
This was us at work right before I got married not sure what we were up to... but it was
usually no good.
I have had a lot of fun going through these old pictures. I feel like my life has flashed before my eyes the last couple of weeks. There have been tears and lots of laughs. There are lots more to come in the future as I go through them I will post some of my favorites for all my old friends to see. Oh and Joey I am gonna post pics of mine and Hannah's trip up north when I find them.