We had never been to a strawberry patch to pick strawberries before even though we talked about it a lot it just never seemed to work out. So on this beautiful summer day we decided it was a good idea. It was a very hot day...but the girls had a good time or at least Mallory did. Hannah was not that into it after just a few minutes. Mallory kept trying to eat the strawberries and that was really grossing me out because they werent washed yet. I told her there were bugs on them but she didnt seem to mind. So while I was picking I noticed she was quiet I turned to look and ....
Now you see them...

Now you don't. She ate every one of the berries in her basket...then got mad at Hannah because she wouldnt give her any of hers.

She had strawberry form head to toe!
She had strawberry form head to toe!