Well it has been a while since I have posted anything...we have been super busy. A few months ago Mallory started limping on her right foot just slightly. We ignored it for a while because when I called the Dr. he asked if she was complaining or if there was any swelling or redness and there wasnt. No cuts bruises, swelling, or redness. So we waited a few days and after it didnt go away we took her to the dr. Again he said it was probably nothing since there were no signs of a break or fracture. He told us to wait about 2 weeks and if it wasnt any better to come back...and it was no better if anything it was worse. She still didnt complain but the limp was way more pronounced so we took her back and they did xrays and blood work to check for an inflammatory disease or pediatric arthritis. Both came back negative so he sent us home and told us to wait 2 more weeks. Well it got even worse. We tried not to talk about it in front of her because we didnt want her to fake it. she is a little bit of a drama queen. So when we got back from vacation it was worse and she started complaining that her leg hurt ... we took her to a pediatric bone and joint dr at Vanderbilt. He did more xrays and has ordered more blood work...in the mean time he has her in a cast to keep her from moving her foot so that it doesnt get any more irritated since it seems to be worse the more she walks on it. So that is our summer drama. Keep her in your thoughts..hopefully they will find out soon what is causing it. here are some pictures of her little pink cast...isnt it pitiful!

More pics to come later of our vacation.