Sunday, May 9, 2010

Our little man is here!

Samuel William Rogers was born on April 30Th at Baptist hospital. He weighed 7lbs 2 oz and was 19 inches long. Labor and delivery was the best! I was able to breath through the contractions and relax....that is until the Dr broke my water. I had a epidural...and it worked like a charm this time unlike with Mallory. Labor started at 6:30 AM and by 12:14 he was in my arms. He had a little trouble breathing at first because he kept holding his breath and swallowed a lot of fluid but after a short stay in the NICU he was back with us and doing well.
Our hospital stay was very exciting. It started raining and didn't stop! Nashville was flooding and surrounding counties were flash flooding. Jessica had brought the girls to see their baby brother and we had to get them a hotel room because they couldn't get back home. On Sunday when we were suppose to be discharged... we were watching the news and realized that every road in and out of Nashville had been closed due to the flooding. We had no way out!!! I was trying to stay calm but when my doctor came in to do her last checkup before releasing me I started to lose it. I didn't want her and Robert to think it was postpartum depression but I just couldn't control it. I gathered myself and we decided to wait it out and see if any roads opened up. There were no hotels because they were all booked...and all I wanted was to be home in my own bed! To add to the stress the girls were still in Nashville too because they had to stay the night before so we had to get them home too. It all ended up working out...Robert drove the girls home by taking 440 to 65 then got on 840 in Franklin. He then came back to the hospital to get me and Sam and e made it home. At least we have a story to tell Sam when he gets older. The historic flood in Nashville is definitely gonna be a good one. Jessica said we should have named him Noah!
Since we have been home little Samuel has been doing great. His sisters love him to pieces and Hannah is constantly kissing and hugging on him. Mallory has done great..she loves him but doesn't pay a lot of attention to him. She just goes about her day as if nothing has changed. She is not at all jealous like I thought she would be. I cant help being sad when I think of us almost not having him! He is such a blessing and we are so glad that God chose to give us a son. Even though we weren't planning on having him...he has already brought a lot of joy into our lives and now we cant imagine not having him. So here are some pics of our little one and his sisters.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Its been forever!!!

OK so it has been forever since I have posted anything...sorry for the delay but life has really been fast paced at the Rogers house. Baby Samuel William will be here next Friday the 30Th if not before then. I have been having some contractions but they don't seem to be strong enough (according to the Dr not me they feel plenty strong enough to me) or close enough together to we are just sitting and waiting. I am waking up every morning at 4 am for some could be the fact that it feels like he is trying to kick and punch his way out!
Hannah started playing softball a few weeks ago so that has kept us really busy as well. She is doing great which really surprises me after we tried soccer and it was a complete disaster. With soccer she didn't like the uniform so it was a fight every time we went to practice or a game. I made her finish out the season since she was the one who wanted to sign up in the first place. She didn't do too bad, she ran along with the kids but just wasn't aggressive enough to go after the ball. I asked her if she wanted to play softball when we got the sign up sheet but she said no. Jessica asked her if she wanted to and she said yes. So we signed her up and took her to the first practice...I was shocked when we got there because she just ran right out on the field with the other kids and acted like she had been playing her entire life! When she got up to bat she actually hit the ball! When we left she said "mom I love softball that was really fun" I asked her how she knew what to do and she said they had been playing at school. Anyway she had a game the other night and got to bat 3 times...she struck out all 3 times but was great playing outfield she actually got 2 kids out! She had another game tonight and struck out the first time but the second time she hit it and got on 1st base. Then after 2 more batters she ran home! I was so excited for her... she had a smile on her face from ear to ear! They won both games!

Mallory has been Mallory...getting into everything still and staying in trouble. She has such a strong personality! She makes me laugh and makes me so mad at the same time. She is excited about her baby brother but I know when he gets here it will be a struggle for her since she is so used to being the center of attention so I am going to have to be really creative with her and make her feel special!
Well that's all for now I will try to do much better keeping everyone updated on whats going on but no promises! I will post pics of the baby when he gets here. We are having a photographer come to our house when we get home from the hospital so we can gets some newborn pictures of him with his sisters. Here are a few pictures of the girls for now!

Mallory Kate with her new haircut!