Here is Tanya and Olivia on the plane..

And here they are again coming down the slide... Tanya scared Olivia to death... look at that pitiful look on her face.

Isnt this the sweetest... Olivia giving Isabella a hug.

Here is Hannah on the drums.

Here is Hannah Trying to convince Isabella to come in the house for "Thanksgiving dinner".
And here is my Little Miss Sassy Pants trying to boss around all the other kids in the house... but they pretty much just ignored her.

And here is Tanya with Olivia and Hannah playing in the water.
Now To update on my family... Mallory has had an ear infection since Friday and we are struggling to get her to take her medicine. It takes 2 of us to hold her down and shove it in. She throws an absolute fit. Now to top it off Hannah didnt go to school today because she has a runny nose and a really bad cough. My thoat is hurting...Then my husband calls me at work and says to get him an appoinment because his ear hurts and now he has an ear infection. The doctor told him it is the kind normally found in kids. I have a scrapbooking retreat this weekend so everybody better start feeling better. I have lots of scrapbooking to catch up on.
Love the pics. I stole the two of Olivia and I and put them on fb. I hope you don't mind! :-) I am so glad you are a blogger!!